Boards of Education Approve DEI Surveys

On June 1, 2021, Redding voted 6-1 for the surveys with Hoffman dissenting, Easton voted 3-2 for the surveys with Parker and Wells dissenting, the Easton Redding Region 9 Board voted 7-0-1 with Johnson abstaining.

The survey drafts dated May 26, 2021, are available on this website and on the site.

Click here to view the transcript of the votes of the three Boards of Education. 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Surveys​

Here are the revised Easton & Redding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey for the Middle Schools.

These surveys are in addition to the School Bullying/Climate surveys offered every year by State Mandate.

Parents Must Opt-In

 Parents must opt their kids in to this survey; any question can be skipped. The survey is anonymous. The goal is to find the hidden prejudice and “systemic bias” that Critical Race Theory asserts “must exist” in our communities.

Surveys to Drive Changes​

The surveys will collect information, which is to be kept confidential, and will be used to drive changes in our schools and to curriculum.

Other DEI Surveys

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