Labeling Opponents “Obstructionists” Corrodes Public Discourse says Easton’s Dave Antonez

Video link to Dave Antonez’s comments on Civility August 1, 2024 Easton Selectman  Meeting


Hi, Dave Antonez. So just two things from listening to this conversation. One, we keep using the word vexatious (in this meeting) to describe something that the state has said is not vexatious.

I find that ironic because Nick (Selectman D’Addario), and you (Dr. Bindelglass) keep using the term obstructionist when all it is (all we are talking about is a) disagreement about how to proceed on something. These are two different things.

I don’t appreciate the fact that you are lumping (together) a group of your fellow citizens, (citizens) that you represent as obstructionists. You may disagree with them, that’s fine. They may disagree with you, but if you didn’t disagree with your predecessor, you wouldn’t be sitting in your chair. (Right?)

That’s what the elections are for, right? But just because people lost the election, or won, you do (some) things that I think are perfectly fine, I have no issue with, (and you do some things) in town that I disagree with.

I should have the right to speak up about (what I prefer) without being called an obstructionist. It’s offensive to the people you serve, whether you wanna recognize it or not.

And if you’re talking about particular individuals, you should hold that to yourself, right? (Because) by casting (that) net on anybody that disagrees with something that’s going on in town (saying they are) an obstructionist, is just false, and it’s rude.

And I’ll leave it at that, right. I try to be respectful here when I comment, I, and if I write something, I try to be respectful.

I understand it’s just my opinion. I’m entitled to my opinion. I try and be respectful of others. If, if ultimately, I, do not get the way (the policy) that I want, I’m not out burning the streets down. I go on and I live my life in town, and I try and enjoy it as much as I can.

If I see any of you, in town and without the village store, we don’t have as much of chance to meet and see each other anymore, I say hi, right?
I try and acknowledge people.

I, I’m not friendly with any of the Selectmen, but I am friendly enough. If I saw any of you, I would introduce myself and say hi.

I would hope that again, you, you change the perspective (calling your opponent’s obstructionists). We’re not going to get to a point where we can work together, if every time somebody disagrees, they’re called a name (obstructionist).

And (in terms of the FOIA complaint) I think we just (try to) move beyond it. That’s my comment.

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