Easton-Zoning Board of Appeals Letter 7-9-24

7/9/2024 Easton Zoning Board of Appeals We, the undersigned residents of Easton, would like to ask you to disallow the Special Permit (SP-24-01) granted by the Easton Planning and Zoning Commission, which allows the cabinet business to construct a detached 3000-4000 square foot factory on its lot. We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Easton […]

Citizens for Easton Letter on Cabinet Factory Permit

A Citizens for Easton (CFE) member wrote the following letter, and CFE emailed it to their membership. It concerns the exemption to our zoning granted to the cabinet business next to EMS. The exemption will allow them to build a second structure, a cabinet factory. Dear Members of Easton Zoning Board of Appeals: This is […]

Easton Selectmen: We are not Obstructionists!

Save our Schools & Save Our Towns of Connecticut

Selectman, please stop calling those who question your decisions “obstructionists.” In a letter published in the EASTON COURIER (see bottom of this post), I ask the Democratic Selectman and their allies to stop smearing concerned citizens who disagree with them as “obstructionists.” We are not “obstructionists.” We are community leaders representing other citizens. In Easton, […]

You have until Jan. 23, 2024 to fight for fair elections in Connecticut

1/23/2024 is the special election for mayor in Bridgeport. The first Democratic Primary was found to have been irregular. A court ordered a new election 1/23/24. If you want to support challenger John Gomes in his quest to unseat incumbent Ganim contact Gomes @ 203-523-9231 or check his Facebook page. Support clean elections in Ct. […]

Toward a Critical Woke Theory

Toward a Critical Woke Theory

Toward a Critical Woke Theory By Dr. Lewis M. Andrews Please read this important article, which offers an explanation for the behavior of woke activists, by Dr. Lewis M. Andrews, a resident of Redding, CT. This was published by The American Conservative. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/toward-a-critical-woke-theory/ “The result is that by the time they finally get to college […]

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